Thursday, October 3, 2013

Trichotillomania - Spotlight on Ricky Knowles Hair & Wellness Client: Emily Simmons

At the age of eight, Emily Simmons began pulling out her hair. What started with just one or two hairs at a time turned into whole patches of hair being removed from her head. Her journey over the past six years has led her to become one of the foremost young spokespeople for trich sufferers, even appearing in MTV's True Life.

Through psychotherapy, distraction strategies, support groups and the dedication our Ricky Knowles Hair and Wellness team, Emily's hair has grown out and we are so proud of her significant progress and continue to be a part of her ongoing treatment.

Below is a video of Emily describing her experience with the RNHW team:

Our goal at RNHW is to help give our trich clients the self confidence they need to overcome the disease. We use all types of hair replacement options including: wigs, hair pieces, hair extensions, clip-ons, micro links and bonding. Each trich solution is tailored to the individual client and we use creative techniques to arm our trich clients with the courage to conquer the world.

Since often trich sufferers have not visited a hair stylist in years, our salon is open to anyone with trich whether you want hair replacement or just want a cut, color or style. All of our consultation rooms are private. If you or a loved one suffers from Trich and have questions or want to schedule an appointment to discuss options, call 713-623-4247.

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